Sunday, April 17, 2011

wang youngest sibling strength: general kindness to humanity

missing a few wangs over post din drinks
had a good weekend catching up, hanging out, and eating with family... aunts, uncles, cousins... 3 of my cousins live in taipei, another who grew up in jerz and works in kaoshiung, and our youngest cousins live an hour away in hsinchu.  we're all pretty close so those that were in taiwan came into taipei... we had a good time hanging and eating... but exhausting when we're with our little crazy but cute ones... oh man it's tiring running around with the little 6 and 8 year old.  kind of funny too that we're all the same generation yet with such a large age gap.

it's so interesting to see the commonalities among the uncles, and now across the cousins too.  we had a good chat about this over afternoon tea at this traditional old school teahouse.  we were thinking of competitions we could have between #1 vs. #2/#3 kid in each family, but the sad conclusion is that #1 would more or less beat us (#2/#3) in just about everything, except... "general kindness to humanity"... care for the world... caring for others.

My brother and the oldest in each of the 4 fams... they are very smart... exceptionally book smart so they do well academically.  They are also athletic and pretty musically inclined too.  They take their performance very seriously... it's personal so they get distraught when they don't get first or top place.  I don't know if that's still the case but at least as kids (i found out last night over dinner my parents actually told my brother in high school to go have more fun... go out... go drink... cuz his grades are good enough... i totally got the opposite instructions!).

roaming taipei sts w the wang boys.
playing some cooler version of
rock paper scissors that i
have yet to figure out.
The youngest in each family... we're a bit more chill.. more flexible... we needed more help... as my guidance counselor told me as she went to write my college rec letter: you and your brother are very different.  school was easy for him... he didn't have to study... you... you're more well rounded.  in chinese, my cousin (also the youngest) and i always say that we are "dai dai de"... translated as spacey... in our own world.. his bro and my bro always make fun of us telling us as babies we would be spacey and drool...  we're pickier eaters too... our older siblings will more or less eat anything and everything.

in general though, we all did pretty well in school, but we (#2/#3) had to work so much harder.  #1 set such high standards it made it so much harder for us!  we are pretty athletic but our older siblings are too and could probably beat us in whatever sport.  so the conclusion is that the only competition we would win... is a competition on general kindness to mankind... if there could be such a competition.  well, it's too hard to say for the youngest cousins so we'll have to continue testing our theory as they get older.

the other interesting thing... the wang girls.  there's only 2 of us (out of 9) and we're both the youngest in each family, so you can bet we're a bit more spoiled than the boys, both from our dads and uncles, but also from the grandparents (grandparents had 4 boys).  even though she's 10 years younger or so, grew up in taiwan in a completely different environment and different childhood, somehow our personalities are still very similar.

our random wanderings took us
by a petstore with these posters.

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