Monday, May 30, 2011

so thirsty... filled by Him and slobbered in doggy love

i'm out in LA area for my cousin's wedding.  it's a cousin who i haven't seen since we were 3 years old... a cousin that i'm not close to at all but we reconnected over facebook a couple years ago.  when she asked if we would come to her wedding... at first, it seemed kind of strange... like i don't really know you... but then, i realized it's not that strange at all... at the end of the day, family is family.  as we caught up on the past 20-30 year of life, i can't help but excited about many more memories in the making in the future with both her, her sister, and her new husband... and her mom.

it's funny when her mom first saw my bro and i at the rehearsal dinner, her immediate thought was "wow, that girl looks like connie (her other daughter)".  then we introduced ourselves and it was a joyful little reunion.  anyhow, it's been fun reconnecting and all, but exhausting.  mingling with parent generation chinese people, making conversation in chinese with distant relatives sitting at the same table is nice but so tiring.  honestly it's hard enough in english... add in chinese into the mix... tiring.

my brother is here too which calls for some late nights. so after family event, we go out with his buddies, then come home late, then i get up early to meet up with my friends early in the morning for breakfast or something, and then back to family stuff... yes i am pooped!  traffic in la does not help!!  felt so dry and prached...  i was so craving Him and His community... so thirsty...  desperate... and thankful i got more than my fill as i parted ways with family and drove down south to my friend jane's bf's church near san diego... late but in time for plenty of good worship... and then topping it all off with some good 'ole dog therapy...  dogs make me happy... like the cherry on top of a sundae...

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