Wednesday, September 17, 2014

my ambulance ride in bangladesh

the stretcher in the ambulance.
thankfully we did not need to use it!
First of all, I’m just fine. Nothing happened... to me at least... the org insisted on taking me to town to get something.  That day, the sentence for someone who was convicted of war crimes was declared.  Last year, when he was convicted, riots broke out and several people were injured and killed.  So as a precaution, they insisted we take the ambulance (the org has a hospital so they do have an ambulance), in case we needed to escape a dangerous situation we could use the sirens. Half jokingly, well, perhaps not jokingly at all but trying to keep it light they said: “if we are stopped, you need to lie down on the stretcher and put on the oxygen mask and act sick.”  Umm... ok... sure...  Interesting times!  We were just fine... no issues thank God.

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