Wednesday, March 14, 2012

life working in an unprofitable for-profit and a slightly profitable non-profit

I was trying to explain to some folks what I do in as brief a way I could.  And having faced some very annoying issues with my business accountant who I paid a bunch for already but would have to pay even more for him to finish my 2011 taxes… I made the non-economical decision to part ways and find a new accountant altogether.  So of ocourse at the top of my mind as I’m trying to summarize my life/career right now, is how annoyed and unfair that I am paying so much for an accountant for the little work that probably has to go into my taxes.  Prior to starting the biz, I’ve always done my own taxes so having to pay that much is RIDICULOUS!

So here’s my brief one sentence descprtion: I work for an UNprofiitable for-profit, and a somewhat profitable non-profit.  

...and despite that, I’m paying a lot for someone to help take care of my unprofitable situation...having successfully made very little this year… perhaps my least financially productive year since i started working... in high school or college. wow. i'm so proud. a building year??  ;)  i'd better get some good returns!

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