Monday, November 9, 2009

CALL+RESPONSE: What's your response?

Another event I attended...actually twice because it was SO powerful and I wanted to bring friends.  CALL+RESPONSE, a "rock"umentary film that reveals the world’s 27 million dirtiest secrets: there are more slaves today than ever before in human history. for more information.  Wanted to share some notes I captured from that event as well:
  • for all of us who are free, it's our obligation to do something.  if we do nothing, nothing will happen
  • free your mind and your a__ will follow
  • open source activism
  • 2m kids are sold into sex slavery each year
  • music is the only thing that can enter a person's heart and mind without permission
  • most of us are in between a state of obliviousness and a paralysis of depair.  
  • the cost to set someone free is approximately how much Americans spend on Valentine's day
  • I don't want to wear someone's despair
  • a slave worker in India, when asked how he keeps going despite the torture and conditions said that he takes pride in making something beautiful...
  • slavery is about economics.  it's not about people trying to be mean to each other.
  • in 1787, a group of men chose to get around a table and said to end the British slave trade.  that's like saying in today's terms that we would end the global automotive industry
  • we need a 21st century abolitionist movement
  • justice is what love looks like in public  
what's your response?

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