Thursday, November 6, 2008

Proud of America...

Change has come... Since Barack Obama won, I've felt this overwhelming sense of nationalism and patriotism. I am proud of America and I'm proud to be an American - we've really grown up, as a nation, as a people, as citizens of this world. The American dream is an achievable goal.

I went to an event to watch the election results live at World Live Cafe in Philadelphia. With every vote, the crowd cheered and celebrated.

It was also neat to vote in a state that mattered, although in the end, Pennsylvania chose Obama by more than a small margin.

And then after I left World Live Cafe, the streets of Philadelphia went crazy! I ran into a line of Penn students marching down Market Street with signs and a cardboard Barack cutout.

Obama's speech... excellent... amazing... inspiring... I wished I was in that crowd in Chicago... yes, I was tearing up.

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