Monday, October 26, 2009

Just in awe of the perfect conductor

This weekend... I was reminded of how amazing God truly is.  This Saturday was our church's first ever interchurch parish women's flag football tournament.  We have been practicing and playing hard for this one day of playoffs and games.  I was literally on every day of the week (multiple times a day), and praying hard that God would change the course of weather that meteorologists were predicting... that is... rain, rain, and more rain... all day.

I started the week praying in confidence, believing God would come through; but I have to admit, by Friday night, I was starting to lose hope.  I still prayed He would change the course of the weather, but at the same time, realized that it's His call when and if He wanted us to be on that field.  Before I went to bed on Friday night, the situation looked worse than before... with a 90% chance of rain and thunderstorms!

So Saturday morning, I wake up at the crack of dawn because I was volunteering and running a 5K, and to my surprise, it's not raining.  They sky is gray, but not horribly dark -- a glimmer of hope we might play! It drizzles a bit on my drive, but not too bad.  I help out with registration and videography, and then at the last minute decide to run it (totally regretted it after i started as i thought about playing football all day and my body being tired...)... and then I bolt to the field where we're playing.

As I drive, there's some drizzle, but not horrible.  At one point, the sky actually looked like it was clearing.  As we warmed up, there was even sunshine... and I just stood there utterly amazed.  I was humbled by how big, how amazing, how gracious, how in control He is of everything.  I was reminded of how small we are; but at the same time; how much He cares and hears our every prayer.

Every day is given to us graciously by Him; but honestly, I tend to forget.  Yesterday, for me was so powerful.  I really felt how real, how mighty, and how awesome He truly is.  It ended up raining on and off throughout the games, but it was never a constant heavy heavy downpour, until we finished all the games and were packing up to go home.  Literally, as we began cleaning up our stuff and packing up our cars, the thunder began to rumble. 

AND, during one of the games, the downpour was heavy enough to cause a rain delay, where both of the teams, as they stood there getting soaked, had the opportunity to bond and get to know each other as sisters of one church.  It was a much needed time of fellowship for the sisters on the field as that game was getting pretty intense... perhaps overly aggressive.  But because of the sudden rain, it forced the 2 teams to come together as one... introducing each other... getting to know one another... and come 2nd half... it was a completely different dynamic.  Yes, it was still competitive, but it a very different attitude on the field.  You could see it.  Girls from opposite teams supported each other... It was a touching moment.  ONLY He could have orchestrated that... 

Yeah, my team lost in the finals, but it was so fun and so amazing to see His body come together through competing against each other.  Sounds almost contraindicative but it did indeed bring new and old sisters together, across parish lines, across ages, across occupations, across all boundaries.  What brought us together was a desire to play outside and get to know new and old sisters; but what ultimately bound us together was a love for Him, and that was indeed an amazing thing to see week in and week out.  I pray that this season was glorifying to Him, and that seeing His daughters playing and His sons coaching on that field, brought a smile to His face.  I know it did for me every day... and I'm thankful for the opportunity to be part of it.

I am just so in awe of Him...  how can I not love Him... how can I not believe how real and how in control He is.  Rain and all... it was a perfect day...  the season in general... was just such a blessing from Him. 

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