A loan officer from CSS India, a microcredit organization based in a more rural area outside of Calcutta, came to pick us up from the orphanage this morning. It was really nice to not have to think about getting a taxi and working our way "downtown" by ourselves. The man did not really say a word - just handed me an envelope from Himadri, my contact and also the founder and head of the organization, that stated: "in front of you is ___ from CSS. He will take you to meet me at the office..." So we hopped in the van and we started our drive to CSS headquarters, a good hour and definitely out in the burbs. Much less cars and traffic. It was a pretty ride and a nice change in scenery. We even saw an elephant on the way (although that is uncommon - even the loan officer was surprised).
CSS India is microfinance focused, but to our pleasant surprise, we visited another boys and girls children's home/orphanage. The revenue generated through microlending (interest payments are called "donations" at CSS) have gone towards building and funding a childrens home for boys and a home for girls. We visited both of the schools while the children were in school - their classroom is right on the home's premises. At the boys home, they also did a few short performances for us. Really nice... we didn't have to perform for them this time though - a nice reprieve from the hokey pokie.
Over lunch at the boys home, Himadri and I had some good business discussions. We discussed the organization's growth strategies, their technology challenges, etc. I left with some follow-up homework - a consulting project perhaps. I actually got connected to CSS through Synergy Ministries, a Christian "business as missions" organization. They organize trips for Christian business professionals to provide consulting and solutions implementation to different organizations around the world. Synergy sent a couple teams to CSS a few years back. So hopefully I'll be able to help Himadri with some of their challenges or at the least facilitate a new team from Synergy to go in the short term to help.
Himadri is another amazing person who saw a need and took a step out in faith to do whatever he could to help. Before we could even ask how he got started and why, he just openly shared his story to Jane and I. He is such a loving, caring, get the job done kind of guy, but very humble. To be honest, before heading out that morning to CSS, I was pretty tired and drained. We had been wandering around Calcutta meeting, talking, strategizing, entertaining, and swatting mosquitos almost constantly since arriving in Calcutta. We've been so blessed by all of those experiences, but we were tired. We didn't know too much about CSS India nor did we really know Himadri. In the back of my mind, I was thinking of cancelling and having one day to just relax and explore Calcutta a bit, but then realized that not only did God open a door for us to go and visit, but he provided a ride for us to get there. The door was already open and all we had to do was go... I feel like He's just telling me: "just trust me for God's sake (literally)". He floors me everytime... everytime.
Another thought that came to mind... visiting the different children's focused programs since arriving in India has really elevated in my mind the importance of building up this next generation. I knew it was important but I also felt there were a lot of organizations working in that space. Clearly, there is still such a need there.
Here are the girls at the home waving bye to us as we pulled out of their home. So precious...
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