Jane and I made it to Calcutta! We woke up at 3 am to find out our cab driver was prolly still sleeping. Anyhow we made it to the airport on time-let me tell you-the single file line system does not work here. Thank you to my bball coaches for drilling the "box-out" concept-it worked remarkably well.and jane's got some anger issues that she likes to blame on being here too long (whatever, it's just jane being jane).
Even though we tried to blend in with the crowd, we still stuck out-an indian-american guy approached us, asking us where we were from and what we were doing. Anyhow, we had a good conversation.
So jane and I are staying at this orphanage in the middle of... The head reminds us of mario from super mario brothers. Really awesome guy with a huge heart for these precious children. we joined their "church service" after we arrived-actually, we were hoping to get a nap in, but their service was right outside our door (literally) and they were all singing and praising and praying loudly... Clapping, chanting, and hallelujah'ing. It was a blessing to be able to join these young children inworship-i was blessed just seeing how much these kids love the big guy. Then of course, I should anticipate this from now on... We were asked to share something... And since jane was somewhat half asleep, I got the task. Well, jane also led the hokie pokie yesterday at asha house so it was my turn I suppose.jane says: it was honor and privilege to teach the children the hokie pokie. anyhow, it was fine. Oh remind us to share the boom chicka boom piece.
Anyhow, so words cannot describe this place we will call home for the next few days. This area is very poor although mario says that this is not the worst . I think we are the only foreigners here. The staff are wonderful but accompany us wherever we go. They have such a heart for the children... More on loaction, so there is also quite a bit of still water-like a lake along the streets, but looks dirty... We did see one man drying himself off at the edge of the lake... Disturbing... Trash thrown on the streets. Water, trash, and somewhat humid weather equals mosquitos! They were in delhi too but worse here. Thank God for bugspray and mosquito nets and coils. Pray that they will protect us. Both of us have some bites to show off already.
So we kind of feel like we're trapped in this room... Because... We pretty much are. Haha. I mean, we could leave but we'd have no clue where to go and I'm sure the staff would follow. We just set up our mosquito net...there is definitely no inernet connection anywhere close by-writing from bb... And oh, the sounds around us are interesting... I think there were fireworks outside earlier. The windows are windowless with a grate in front to keep the outsiders out and insiders (us) in. we closed the "blinds" or rather, the wood flat panels that shut out all sunlight. Sounds are still pretty clear though. Crickets, honking, footsteps, random noises, cooking, chatter, children, jane sneezing, everything. Ok, until next time... Signing off for the night.
Just added the video clip... turn the volume up. It's a black screen because our lights are out, but listen...Enjoy!
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