Friday, September 19, 2014

make new friends...

...but keep the old... one is silver and the other's gold... I was a girl scout. that song has been ingrained into my brain..

God is so sweet.  I noticed a caucasian girl sitting across the cafeteria.  I was thinking about stopping by her table to say hi, but I don’t know... I guess I was not in a socializing kind of mood... so, I didn’t.  The next day I saw her again sitting in the lobby. I said hi, shook hands, and that was it.  That night, they put her and I at the same table in the cafeteria.... and then, well, for the next 2 weeks, the rest is history.  We even ended up on the same flight from the area we were in to Dhaka and then had hours to kill in Dhaka together! Here we are on that flight.

God provides for our needs... and he knew...i needed a friend there.  Every night we would share dinner together, get to know each other, but most importantly we got to debrief with each other.  It was so helpful for me at least to be able to process and share what I was hearing and learning, what was perplexing and frustrating me, and what brought joy that day.  We were doing completely different work so we never crossed paths in the work, but to be able to share at the end of the day and sometimes start the day together with breakfast... was just sweet!  Thank you Lord!

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