So today, I wrote a bunch of checks to the country, state, and city that I live in and it was a painful experience. I'm learning through my checkbook the "joys" of being a small business owner. OUCH! Honestly, a few days ago when my accountant laid out the damage over the phone, I was nearly in tears thinking through what I was hearing. But today, writing out the many checks from my business and personal checkbooks, I felt OK. I mean, it's not like I was shouting for joy as I tore out each check and personally autographed the line, but I was fine. It was almost freeing in some weird sense. I think as I continue to think through this Lenten season about money and comfort and things, I am just reminded that everything I have is His.
And while I was tempted to say... oh man I gave PLENTY today... I could not justify giving to the IRS as my Lent commitment to "give beyond where it hurts", even if it did hurt. I spent the day working from a coffee shop, then dinner with friends, and a meeting over dessert, and while my eyes were peeled for opportunities to give, well, no one really struck me as the person God was putting in front of me... But then He reminded me of His Church... and that's where I committed Day 1 of my Lenten Journey to. And as I write about it now in my blog, I can't think of a better way to start - focused on His house and His body.
Matthew 22:21 - ...Then he said to them, “Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.”
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