Saturday, July 31, 2010

Calcutta Day 4 - July 31, 2010

After a great night of rest, we woke up this morning to a loud knock on our door. It was the friendly security guard who tries to act all serious, but then after getting what he needed from you, he smiles, exposing his missing tooth, and nods his head. I can’t help but smile at him. Aunty Premila and Shajan were calling from EMC to check up on us and see if we wanted to visit some of their ministires today. Originally we were planning on having a low key day – catch up on email, find wireless internet (still unsuccessful), and continue organizing the information we’ve gathered re: the Non Formal Education programs and prep for the upcoming week; but He had other plans for us, and we when He opens the door, we are learning to walk through it.

We walked over to EMC’s office, not exactly sure who we were meeting – Aunty had told me over the phone but the connection was not very clear. I knew we were meeting people for lunch and then meeting some children. On our way to EMC, we came across a flooded street that most were just walking through with rolled up pants. We were not too excited about that given the contents of what we typically saw on the streets during our walk, so we hailed a rickshaw, driven… walked by foot by a man. Poor guy carrying two heavy American girls, who schlepped right through the water without question, like the other folks.

We arrived at the office, and ran upstairs to meet our new friends who are part of the addiction rehabilitation program that EMC runs. It was such a blessing to meet these wonderful women, some of whom were relatively new to the program and others who had been there for a few months and were now clean and completely transformed and ready to go back home. They told Grace and I that we were such an encouragement to them, but I wish they truly knew how much they encouraged us and blessed us by the journey they have been on, and the one that they are on now. I know that He has something great in store for them, and it was just so amazing today to see part of the work He’s doing in their lives.
We then jumped into a car to well… honestly we were not sure until we arrived at their rescue and rehab home for boys at risk, some rescued off the streets, others with addictions to various substances, some with abusive parents, the list goes on. We went up the stairs to meet this group of 22 young men, ranging in age from 6 – 17. To think what some of these children have been through… The boys performed some songs, martial arts, a magic trick for us, and we introduced ourselves to them, and taught them a new game – one that Grace and I are quite familiar with – American football. We had brought a Nerf football with us from America, and were excited to have the opportunity to introduce this game to the boys, although it ended up being more like European handball. Nonetheless, we all had a great sweaty time!

Soccer with the boys at Andoloy.
Foul captured on camera?  Oops.

Afterwards a handful of the boys who attend the Emmanuel School accompanied us in a taxi - all 7 of us in a taxi – to another home for children at risk, mostly girls of all ages and boys under the age of 12. The boys had to practice their singing for Church. These boys all spoke English very well, and you could tell how smart and bright they are. We spent time getting to know the girls and boys, interacting with them, talking, playing games, and finished off with an intense game of soccer of course. It was so great to be able to spend an afternoon with these boys and girls, and to see them at ease with us. I wish you all could meet these children, hear some of their stories, and see who they are today and who they are growing up to be.

It truly felt like we had been embraced as part of large loving and caring family, and it was such a privilege that I am so thankful for. I am looking forward to seeing some of them at Church tomorrow.

Off to sleep. Goodnight.

Attempts at teaching the boys American football..ended up more like European handball.

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