Diane Loucks
- 1 in 5 in Philadelphia don't have enough food to meet basic needs... that equates to about 300,000 people... that's like all the people in Pittsburgh living in hunger.
- 1 in 3 live in poverty
- this is a slient but real problem here in Philly
- there is no issue more important than climate change
- the most vulnerable and worst hit by climate change are always the poorest - look at katrina and the lower 9th ward in new orleans.
- Churchill's comment in the Speech of Commons on November 12, 1936, that "The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to its close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences." is now. That period has arrived.
- there's enough energy in the sun to power the world
- china, usa, and indonesia are top 3 carbon emissions contributors
- the global climate is a non-linear system. 1 degree change at the equator is equivalent to 12 degrees at the poles.
- Thomas Friedman: "we have a subprime culture". we need to change the way we think and act!
- if the US had continued to censure oil like we did between 1976-1985, we would not have needed Persian Gul oil in 1995.
- it's not about politics - this transcends politics - this is so much bigger than politics... it's a global problem.
- deforestation - we lose 1 acre / second. every 20mins, that's 1200 acres taken down for development. trees absorb CO2 and covert it into O2. WE NEED THAT!
- we have to be the "regeneration" - recycle, reuse, reengineer... otherwise our lives will be reduced, redacted, etc. we need to revive America. Redefine, reenergize, revive this world - grab the challenge and reenergize the world.
- BANANA - build absolutely nothing anywhere near anything! -Thomas Friedman
- lack of leadership is not the problem - it's a lack of statesmanship. statesmanship entails wisdom and leadership. there are very few out there.
- we need to change the system - the only people capable of changing the system are the ones who benefit most from it. government exists to correct market deficiencies. we have the know-how, now we need the political will to do it. we need to tell politicians its important - that's how we will change the system. it's a tremendous challenge.
- 風向轉變時,有人築牆,有人造風車 : when the direction of the wind changes, some (people) build walls, some (people) make windmills.
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