So I started going back to the gym last week - i'm sure it's quite a funny scene as I gimp into a gym with a huge leg brace on and an obvious limp. I thought I might jump on the bike - needed some cardio desperately and plus, it's good to help increase my knee's range of motion. Well, range of motion I definitely got, but cardio was a definite no. So I'm sitting there, trying to get the pedals around - seems simple but it was quite the challenge, and I'm concentrating and avoiding eye contact with people who must be looking at me like I've got major issues or thought I was crazy... a 70-80 year old man sits down on the bike next to me - he couldn't really see my bum knee, but he sure could see that I was struggling. He starts pedaling away, and looks over at me and says: "are you having trouble getting started?" All I could do was smile and sheepishly explain that I hurt my knee as he encouraged me on... just keep trying... you'll get it. Funny, but sad... haha... the good news is that I can now bike more or less like a normal person. Was hoping to try spinning soon, but got the no go on that from the pt.
Oh, and apparently a new phrase has been coined at work. To "pull a tammy" means you neglect the fact that there is something medically wrong with you, pretending that it will go away and refusing to seek or putting off professional medical advice despite clearly needing a medical solution. My boss "pulled a tammy" 2 weeks ago when he was clearly feeling very ill, but waited and pushed through the weekend, downplaying his symptoms. When he went to the doctor on Monday, he sent him right to the hospital. He is thankfully doing great now... and vows never to "pull a tammy" again.
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