Alright, so things have changed quite a bit since I last wrote. Well 1, I finally have a computer that has a working backspace and enter key. and fast internet... ahhh...
2, I've entered the real world.. the work world... very scary I admit it, I definitely belong in kindergarten, where teachers nurture, you get snack time, take naps, play... what else could you ask for?! (On a side note, the day before I started working, my dad looked at me straight in the face and said, "Now Tammy, it's okay to be a baby at home, but you can't be a baby at work, ok?" said that with a very straight face...:)) Actually, it's been what, a little over a month since I first started work, and I am just about ready to retire!
3. My house isn't my home anymore... My parents closed up our house, the house I grew up in since I was like 7 or 8. It was sooo sad. Oh well, it's not like they moved far, just to a different place.. not happy about that...I have so many memories of that place.. and, my doggie's ashes will remain there forever without me... :(
4. Not only did my parents move, I too have relocated to Philadelphia. It's okay I guess--a pretty cute city, but it just isn't good 'ole New York City... Man, things close so freakin early here, like earlier than things in the suburbs I grew up in... no joke..
So this summer was pretty good.. nice and relaxing. All I did was eat, sleep, and play soccer. I was playing in this awesome league on a horrible team.. well, we lost every game, some of them pretty badly, but it was cool to see our improvement (can't tell by the scores.. hehe)... what do you expect? our team was newly put together, whereas the other teams had been playing and practicing together for years... plus, they had like 2x the # of players we had, so by the 2nd half, we were just too tired, which then led to the unfortunate situation of tammy, being the goalie, getting screwed... oh well.. it was fun to travel in a tiny van every weekend. i even signed a few autographs (despite the fact that we lost a game 10-0.. that was a first for me)! then i started working at this christian soccer camp. now that was pretty cool.. i definitely wish i could do that full-time... this work thing... really gets in the way of my desired schedule..
Alright, so anyways, I guess work life is alright. Orientation was great fun. We were basically treated like kings and queens, did some team building stuff at a ropes course place, went to Eagles training camp, met the kicker... pretty fun time. To my dismay, real work at the office is not nearly as exciting. However, on a positive note, work is almost like college all over again, cuz there are a bunch of first and second year people in the program that I am in, so we basically go out, play, eat lunch, and work together... so that keeps things somewhat lively. I am learning a lot though, which is good I suppose... hehe...
Just found out last night that the WUSA is terminating. That kinda bums me out cuz even though I'm far from getting there, at least i had something, some sort of goal to work for. I guess we'll see what happens.
alright, well, that's enough for now. i hope you all are doing well. i really miss all of you, the young'ens at school and the older people, me included, friends and family... i apologize for being bad about kit... summer was pretty filled with craziness and having a very slow computer using a modem and phone line to connect to the internet, just made for a poor situation... anyways, hope all is well!! have a great day!
2, I've entered the real world.. the work world... very scary I admit it, I definitely belong in kindergarten, where teachers nurture, you get snack time, take naps, play... what else could you ask for?! (On a side note, the day before I started working, my dad looked at me straight in the face and said, "Now Tammy, it's okay to be a baby at home, but you can't be a baby at work, ok?" said that with a very straight face...:)) Actually, it's been what, a little over a month since I first started work, and I am just about ready to retire!
3. My house isn't my home anymore... My parents closed up our house, the house I grew up in since I was like 7 or 8. It was sooo sad. Oh well, it's not like they moved far, just to a different place.. not happy about that...I have so many memories of that place.. and, my doggie's ashes will remain there forever without me... :(
4. Not only did my parents move, I too have relocated to Philadelphia. It's okay I guess--a pretty cute city, but it just isn't good 'ole New York City... Man, things close so freakin early here, like earlier than things in the suburbs I grew up in... no joke..
So this summer was pretty good.. nice and relaxing. All I did was eat, sleep, and play soccer. I was playing in this awesome league on a horrible team.. well, we lost every game, some of them pretty badly, but it was cool to see our improvement (can't tell by the scores.. hehe)... what do you expect? our team was newly put together, whereas the other teams had been playing and practicing together for years... plus, they had like 2x the # of players we had, so by the 2nd half, we were just too tired, which then led to the unfortunate situation of tammy, being the goalie, getting screwed... oh well.. it was fun to travel in a tiny van every weekend. i even signed a few autographs (despite the fact that we lost a game 10-0.. that was a first for me)! then i started working at this christian soccer camp. now that was pretty cool.. i definitely wish i could do that full-time... this work thing... really gets in the way of my desired schedule..
Alright, so anyways, I guess work life is alright. Orientation was great fun. We were basically treated like kings and queens, did some team building stuff at a ropes course place, went to Eagles training camp, met the kicker... pretty fun time. To my dismay, real work at the office is not nearly as exciting. However, on a positive note, work is almost like college all over again, cuz there are a bunch of first and second year people in the program that I am in, so we basically go out, play, eat lunch, and work together... so that keeps things somewhat lively. I am learning a lot though, which is good I suppose... hehe...
Just found out last night that the WUSA is terminating. That kinda bums me out cuz even though I'm far from getting there, at least i had something, some sort of goal to work for. I guess we'll see what happens.
alright, well, that's enough for now. i hope you all are doing well. i really miss all of you, the young'ens at school and the older people, me included, friends and family... i apologize for being bad about kit... summer was pretty filled with craziness and having a very slow computer using a modem and phone line to connect to the internet, just made for a poor situation... anyways, hope all is well!! have a great day!
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