Wednesday, December 31, 2003

see you next year reported: "The investor exodus had begun in earnest, and eventually would add up to $40 billion in outflows, knocking Putnam from the fifth biggest mutual fund company down to sixth."

How does a company lose 40 BILLION bucks and move down 1 spot, from 5th to 6th? Sheesh, I thought they'd be kicked off of the top 10 at least.

Talk to you next year!

Friday, December 26, 2003

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

So since last I wrote, some interesting things have happened... I passed a securities license exam, networked with my company's CEO on the soccer field (and nearly broke my leg playing), my cousin was stabbed (in Brooklyn, so all of you folks out in the city, please be careful), saw the Lion King (great show), Return of the King was really good too... and, really most of my time has been spent at work or studying.. and thinking about what the heck I want to do with my life.

I don't know.. work is not bad.. I'm definitely learning, but I feel like there's so many other things outside of the financial industry that I want to experience and try. I'm torn because I like the company, and have networked a bit within the company. I also think that the program I'm in is very good and something that, if I were to stay in this field, would want to be trained and grow-up and broaden my business/financial experience through. I guess the main problem is that this is something that I can do well if I work hard (as can anybody), but I just don't know if I want to, or if this is what God has planned for me...

I know that God is in charge of my life, and has put me in this place, in this job for a good reason, but it's just been difficult for me to be satisfied with what He has graciously given me. I know I need to be more thankful and live one day at a time, but it's been quite a challenge. I feel like all I do is work. I wake up early in teh mroning, go to work, sit there all day, come home, then study for work or do research for other projects. I know that God is using this time right now to prepare me for what lies ahead, but it's difficult to not know what lies ahead and be satisfied with the situation at hand. (did that make any sense?? probably not..).

Anyways, so basically, I'm a bit confused right now, but that's alright.. that's life.. For now, I'm just looking forward to using my 2nd official vacation day of my adult life tomorrow and hit the slopes at Mountain Creek... really wish i had winter break...

Merry Christmas, and if I don't write before the new year hits, Happy New Year!